Scheduled flights
Discover all of our scheduled routes in France and in Europe.
Travel between Strasbourg and Amsterdam in just one hour with Amelia!
We take you to France and the Netherlands on Mondays to Fridays, twice a day.
With Amelia, head South to Occitania and discover the charming corners of Rodez, only an hour away from Paris!
Travel back and forth between Paris and Rodez with us,
twice a day on weekdays and once a day on Sundays. 
Explore the enchanting town of Brive in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, six days a week, straight from
Paris Orly! 
Amelia takes you from Paris to Brive in just one hour, twice a day on weekdays and once on Sundays. 

Are you a business or an independent professional?

Our FlyPro offer is tailor-made for all of your trips on our three scheduled routes.
Visit our FlyPro page now and discover all of the discounts and benefits available for you.