Scheduled & adhoc charter flights
On-demand flights for all your travel needs

Book an aircraft from our fleet quickly and easily

Our aircraft are ready to take off at any time.  With capacities ranging from 8 to 180 seats, our fleet of 19 aircraft is able to meet all types of demands.

Our crew will be there to welcome you and provide the best flying experience.

Wide capacity

From 8 to 180 seats

For any type of operation

Adaptability and flexibility

Range up to

5,400 km

A fleet adapted for all of your needs

12 Embraer

Our core fleet

1 Learjet

A VIP experience

6 Airbus

High capacity and performance

Adaptability and flexibility

Solid expertise in setting up complex operations in the shortest possible time and in compliance the most stringent security requirements.

Our clients

We offer our services to a wide range of clients, both B2C and B2B

Industrials / international companies
International organisations 

Tour operators / travel agencies 
Sport teams
